Pressed For Time? Order Ahead With the Saxbys App
Got to have your Saxbys fix but short on time? Now you can use the Order Ahead function on the new-and-improved Saxbys app to receive your order within moments of walking in the door.
It’s incredibly simple to use: Open the Saxbys app, choose your Saxbys cafe, pick the menu items you want to order, choose your payment method, and place your order. That’s it! And it won’t ruin the repour you’ve built with your favorite Saxbys barista, because we’re committed to having an outgoing, passionate team member present you with your order no matter what. It’s just part of our Mission Statement to “Make Life Better” — saving you time without compromising the experience, quality, or a sense of community you’re used to from Saxbys.
“Our guests move fast. We knew we needed an app that could keep pace with their lifestyle and needs,” said Saxbys Founder and CEO Nick Bayer. “While we want to enhance their experience and make sure their time spent with us seamlessly fits into their routine, we’re not willing to sacrifice caring personally and communicating openly with our guests. We worked really hard with this new app and with the programs within it to ensure we are striking a balance between being tech-forward and still staying true to our roots as a hospitality company.”
Order Ahead is available in the vast majority of Saxbys cafes so hop on the Saxbys app and get started.
At Saxbys we’re always striving for perfection. Do you have suggestions on how to make our mobile app better? Hit us up at